How do organizations start the digitization process to enable MODS Reality to operate?

MODS Marketing
2 min readJan 10, 2022


Reality is essentially a remote integrated management system designed to bring the lifecycle of maintenance and minor modifications into one platform. It’s a visual, ‘go to’, single source of information, achieved by tagging items that interact directly with work processes and digitalized data. Flexibility within the process has been a key driver to integrate with clients existing systems using data flows.

MODS Reality isn’t just a tool for management, it’s a very practical assistant to front-line, hands-on workers tasked with monitoring, surveying, repair and build projects.

But the question here is how to start with the digitalization process to enable Reality to operate.

Laser scanning is the short answer. We provide full or part asset scans of full or part systems and actually, for those organizations who are a little hesitant about a full digital transformation, having the part-system option really helps them. This scan captures dimensional data for design & fabrication and establishes a global coordinated reference grid. MODS Dimensional Control provides best-in-class, point-cloud data by using the latest scanning technology operated by qualified surveyors, ensuring high-quality scanning coverage of the asset, so you can fully trust it.

Clarity and detail are crucial to maximizing the potential of MODS Reality. The scans are in high definition, are taken in color and deliver a 1mm accuracy. The days of uncontrolled portable hard drives are gone. Access is Cloud-based and small data sets can be downloaded for increased manageability.

MODS Reality has been designed to allow companies to tailor the system to fit their needs. The administration allows for customization without development and includes options ranging from editing terminology for titles, percentages for weighting stages in the tracking process to identifying what you want to view in the projects view and widget dashboards. Additional customization if required, can also be catered for on a client-by-client basis.

Reality has customizable management tools and user-definable roles and responsibilities.

We can modify terminology to suit clients’ requirements, modify project details displayed in Hub, and set up defined project disciplines.

We can even create facility or warehouse locations, new project phases and customize color — whatever is requested.

For more detail about implementing MODS Reality, read our blog.

This article first appeared on the MODS Energy Industry Blog

Check out our MODS Reality page for more information and how to make the most out of your visualization data!

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MODS Marketing

MODS is helping to drive digital transformation in the energy sector with innovative software solutions. HQ in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK